Originating in Leicester (U.K.) in the early 50's, young Tel learned his first guitar chords from big brother Jim (aka Jim Gannon ).

His big Bro' went on to become a bit of a 'cult' what with his band Black Widow (remember 'come to the Sabbath' like Ozzy does?) then joining Fox (remember 'Single bed' voice box guitar solo 1976?)


Mmmmm nice... Black Widow, now THERE was a band that brought new meaning to the word 'entertainment'.

The incantation(s); the pentagram; the invocation of Astoroth; the Sacrifices; the seduction; the cermonial virgin silver sword; the nude female(s): The Demonic possession, and the rock music.

Now THAT'S what I call a Show!...

Completely different to today's yobbos, standing on stage with hands in their pockets, baggy jeans, trainers and anoraks. Looking completely 'wasted' and devoid of any intelligence.

A leaning to the 'Yartz'

Young Tel formed (with his schoolmates Des and Howard) The Urban District Council in 1966. It was what the youth of the times called a 'progressive' band, playing the likes of John Mayall, the Yardbirds, The Who, the Pink Floyd, the Kinks, Jimi Hendrix and a few original 'toons too.

In the early seventies, Young Tel 'sold-out' spiritually, he joined what was termed a 'club' band ( In the Leicestershire area there were these clubs 'Working mens clubs' where they booked (and paid) bands to come and play in their concert halls [in between the strippers] while the punters, whilst waiting for their games of bingo would ignore them and complain about the volume... really good ... I think ? )

During this time Young Tel worked throughout his summer off from college and earnt enough to buy a second-hand Fender Stratocaster(a dream come true). According to Jim Ryan (session guitarist friend of his brother Jim's who played for Carly Simon and Andy William to name but four) the guitar seemed to be as old as 1956-ish.. as the pickups were coated in wax. (wow!)

Young Tel took his Strat to Germany with a band called Redwood performing in the USA air force bases. This was so cool.The Bradwurst met pommes frites were terrific. It was also a great chance for young Tel to practice his 'Hoch Schule Deutsch' that he had just completed.

Upon returning to Leicester (U.K.) he met and fell in love with the beautiful Sheila (from Gourock) who became his main singer in most of his demo's from then on.
They formed a band in Leicester : Apple Scruffs named from a George Harrison track.

Eventually apathy and redundancy forced them to give up their Leicester mansion and move to Gourock.
In Gourock Young Tel didn't know anybody, and to this day (as he went 'contracting' as a computer analyst/programmer) still doesn't, so he moved to Sheffield and is still there.

So what does he want ?

  • to sell his songs
  • to form a band
  • to hear from anyone with a commitment to the 'higher' ideals of rock music and theatrics
  • to hear from any poet or lyricist
  • to collaborate




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